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"E-mail Alert"
For Spiritual Letter 72
Page 2 of 2

Title of Spiritual Letter 72: "God Saved You, Now You Must Try And Save God"
Date Written:  May, June, July, August, September, and October, 2005
Written by:  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Written to:  Mr. Tom Brokaw, Anchor for NBC News, and Mr. Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life

Go To:  Introduction - to "E-mail Alert"
Go To:  E-mail Alert - for Spiritual Letter 72
                    Outline of "E-mail Alert" - for Spiritual Letter 72
                    Text of "E-mail Alert" - for Spiritual Letter 72
Go To:  Spiritual Letter 72 - "Outline & Summary Version"

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                                                                                - go to "Outline of E-mail Alert"
Introduction - to "E-mail Alert"

Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Here is "Page 2 of 2" of the "E-mail Alert" for "Spiritual Letter 72", for a beautiful Spiritual Letter that was recently sent to Mr. Tom Brokaw, previous Anchor for NBC News, and to Mr. Aron Ralston, a mountain climber, who when trapped by a rock, cut off his own hand to save his life.

[Note: About 4 months ago Tom Brokaw interviewed Aron Ralston on the TV Program "NBC DateLine" on July 1, 2005, and you can read a transcript of that interview, if you like, of Aron Ralston by Tom Brokaw, by clicking HERE ( 5956900)]

An "E-mail Alert" that is now being sent to each of you, as the Children of God for our age, if you like, an "Alert" that our dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and God within Him, instructed this child to write, and to send to each of you.

That is now being send to each of you, as the Children of God for our age, who are living at the feet of God for our age, if you like, which for our age is our dear Father,
Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(Ral.) within us, and of God within Him, and who now on the "outside" of us, are living at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us).

For this age which is known by all of the wise throughout the ages as the "Kali Yuga",
as the
"Age of Destruction", where either we join with God within us, to destroy everything that is "separating" God from God within us, or we are destroyed.

That is, or we are destroyed, when the "beast" emerges out of at least one of us, destroying the "outside" of us, for all of us, that is, when the illusory world on the "outside" of us, and the very real but false world within us, is destroyed, that is, if we like, when God "Cures Himself of us", of "us" as "separate from" God within us, by closing down the world of hell within us, by closing down the world of jinns within us, by closing down the world of fairies within us, and by re-opening the world of souls within us, and then by opening the kingdom of God within us.

For this age where "we" as the Children of God for our age, can if we like, join in partnership with God within us, to allow God within us to complete what God has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us.

And this age where "we", if we like, as the Children of God for our age, are living on the "outside" of us at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us), as His Holiness did when He was physically with us, where "we", if we like, are now living at the feet of the Children of God for our age, which for our age, is at the feet of the
Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with each of Us), which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if this be the true intention for our life within us, for our soul life, if the true intention for our soul life is for it to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, that is, before we physically die to the "outside" of us. Amen.

May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.

My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers and sisters - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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"E-mail Alert"- for Spiritual Letter 72
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Outline - of This "E-mail Alert"

Introduction - to "E-mail Alert"
Page 2:  (the page you are currently reading)

E-mail "Sample Material" - for Spiritual Letter 72

6.  A Message From God Within Us All - to the Children of God for our age (latest

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                                                                                - go to "Outline of E-mail Alert"
Text of "E-mail Alert" - to Spiritual Letter 72

E-mail "Sample" Material:  (continued)

                                                                                - go to "Outline of E-mail Alert"
6.  A Message From God Within Us All - to our dearest loving brother Aron, and to all of us living in this age, if we like, the "Message to Escape", while we still can, that is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us, for all of us, which is very real possibility for our age

It was so very clear, my dearest loving brother Tom and Aron, at least to this child, that the connection between Aron and his mother, and her connection to God, and her prayers to God for Aron, was what finally saved Aron, after he had finally given up and resigned himself to the death that was quickly creeping up on him, after 6 days in the grip of what he had earlier come to love and investigate, which is "Nature", and what he has sadly again come to love and investigate, quickly forgetting the "Message" that God was sending him, the "Message to Escape", while we still can, that is, if the true intention for our life is correct.

That is, if the true intention for our life is to again become "One with" God within us,
before we die to the flesh, before we physically die to the "outside" of us, and before at least one of us prematurely destroys the "outside" of us, for all of us, which is very real possibility for our age.

The "Message from God" within us, that came into the heart of this child, as we sat at the feet of God for our age, at the feet of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within us, and of God within Him, and at the feet of His Children (may God be pleased with each of Us) on the "outside" of us, which in truth is each of us living in this age, if we only want it, if we truly want to again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh.

A "Message from God" within us all, to all of the Children of God for our age, which is each of us living in this age, if we like, that is, if the true intention for the life within us, for our soul life, is that it again become "One with" God within us, before we die to the flesh, but this time with an understanding of our "Oneness", so it will never leave us again.

A "Message from God" within us all, as follows:

"A Message From God" Within Us All - to the Children of God for our age.  Amen

--- Beginning of "Message From God Within Us All" ----

"Escape while you still can, my dearest loving Sun, and come back to Me, come back to Me before you physically die to the "outside" of you, before you get caught again, but this time with Me letting your fate have its way with you, this time without my intervention, this time with Me letting you die to the flesh, letting you die to the "outside" of you, this time with Me letting you experience first hand, the "suffering of the grave", and Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), this time with Me letting you spend eternity as "separate from" Me, because you failed to listen."

"Because you failed to take advantage of this "Last Chance" that I have now given to you, that I have given to each one of you living in this age, because of your Mother's love for Me, because of your "True Mother", which is your Shaikh (may God be pleased with Him), which for your age is your dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of you, is His Children (may God be pleased with each of You), if you like, for in truth the Choice is always yours, not Mine."

"And then if you fail this Last time, with Me letting you spend an eternal life as "separate from" Me, because that is the "Message" that you have sent to Me, over and over again, by the way you have lived your life, in each of your "Earlier Chances", that is, in the first, the second, and third time around, that "We" have given to each of you, that each of you have already experienced in earlier ages, before this "Last Chance" in this age, and now, after My final intervention, after this last time around, after this "Last Chance", then, even with the prayers of your Mother, even with Her connection to Me, I must let you go to hell, I must let you go to an eternal life as "separate from" Me, because then if you fail again, I have no other Choice".

"In this way, if you fail to germinate to the "truth of you", which is My Seed, and to the "truth of Me" within you, which is My Fruit, then I have no other Choice, because the hereafter, the next world or akhirah, has been prepared for all of You, either way, whether you know it or not, and even whether you want it or not, because that is what is next for all of you, that is what is opening right now within everything that you see, and experience, the next and final world which is the last of My Schools within you, the "School of Light" within you, where I will personally and every so lovingly teach you about Me within you, and about True Man within God within you, and in this way complete the Story that you have come here to tell, to join in partnership with Me, and the Creation of God, to tell, the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" which in truth is each of you, if you like, is the Seed of Me, which is your soul, just waiting to germinate, and reveal the Tree and the Fruit of Me, which in maturity is the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you. Amen."

"The last of My Schools within you, which is a "School of Light" within you, which you can only attend in the next world, in akhirah within you, if you have passed all of your exams in this world, and graduated from the First of My Schools within you, which you are currently attending within you, which is the "School of Contrast" within you, which is where you currently are within you, which is where you have come from Me within you, to learn about "Who you Already" are within you, which in truth is Me within you, for in truth "You are of Me" within you, not of the earth world within you."

"In this way, you came from Me within you, and you must return to Me within you, to become truly successful in your lifetime, and you are not of the earth world or dunya within you, for all of the earth world that you are currently experiencing grew here, grew in this earth world, grew over you, as your impure birth and life, grew over your original pure birth and life, hiding you from you, and cannot as such return to Me within you, and has no interest in doing so even if it could, that is, you came to this earth world, to this "School of Contrast" to learn about what is "separating you" from Me, so having understood all of this, and after this earth world or dunya is over, you can return to Me, as My Sun, as the Light of God to the next world that I have also placed within you, as

"And this is the truth of you, my Sun, the truth of you, and the truth of Me within you, my Sun."

"Please know this now, my dearest loving Sun, and start to act accordingly, before it is too late, before you die to this earth world on the "outside" of you, for then everything is over, then the Choice you have made is carried out, which is either an eternal life as "One with" Me within you, or an eternal life as "separate from" Me within you, and there is no other choice, and the Choice is most certainly yours, not Mine, because I have already made My Choice, and I have chosen "Oneness with" you within Me, and that is why you are now alive within this earth world within you, to now Choose, to now Choose either Me within you, or "you" on the "outside" of you, and the Choice is yours, not Mine."

"And in this way, your current state is not you, that is, your current state of living on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" Me within you, is in truth not you, but rather is the "opposite of you", is the Contrast of you, that is, that provides half of the contrast of you that allows understanding to occur within you, the understanding of "Who you are" within you, which is everything that is within Me, when You and Me again become "One, with the other half of that contrast being your soul, and the wisdom surrounding your soul, which when awakened and joined as "One with" your liberated soul, is you."

"That is, when the wisdom surrounding your soul is awakened by "My Gift" for your age, by "My Life and Teaching" for your age, by "My Word" for your age, for the Children of God for your age, which for your age, is the life and teaching of your
(may God be pleased with Him), is the life and teaching of your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of you, is the life and teaching of His Children (may God be pleased with each of You), which is each of you living in your age, if you like."

"In this way, your soul life, your 6th life within you, is currently you, not what you are currently experiencing in your ignorance as your current life on the "outside" of you, which in truth is the "Enemy of your soul", joined in partnership with the 5 elemental lives within you, keeping your original pure birth and life crucified on the cross of your elemental body, with the 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you and sin."

"In truth this is who you really are, your soul life, your 6th life within you, but without an understanding of yourself, and currently covered over by your impure birth and life
within you, and by your illusory life on the "outside" of you, as the "Enemy of your
soul" within you, and I am also there within you, as You, as You with an understanding of yourself, if you will only join with Me, to gradually experience it, that is, the truth of both you and of Me within you, to gradually transition into it, and begin to reveal it, before you die to the flesh, allowing your soul life within you to again become "One with" Me within you, and you will be the Witness within you, as John the Baptist was the Witness of Jesus (peace be upon Him) on the "outside" of you, over 2000 years ago."

"That in truth is what is really within you, which is everything that is currently within
Me, which is My Grace, My Ilm or Divine Knowledge, as well as My Qualities and
Actions, not what is currently within you, which are all of the lives of darkness and evil
within you, that in your ignorance you have allowed to grow within you, like weeds in
God's Beautiful Flower Garden, and in this way, in your ignorance you have become
"one with" the weeds in My Flower Garden, allowing them to push out and cover over
all of My Flower,, rather than properly weeding My Garden with your wisdom, and
becoming "One with" My Flowers, becoming "One with" My Qualities and Actions
within you."

"But still everything is always Perfect in your life, because "We" have planned it this
way, so you can Choose, we have planned it this way, if you can begin to see your life
through your wisdom, and stop seeing it through your mind and desire, because in
truth I am the One who is conducting your life, not you, I am the One who carries out
everything in your life, not you, I am the Cause and the Effect in your life, not you, so in this way, everything within you is really working for Me, whether they know it or not,
and even whether they want it or not, because in truth, "There is nothing other than
Me" within you, because in truth, "Only I exist" within you, and because in truth, "I am One" within you."

"And in this way, in your current state of living a life of sin, a life of "selfishness", a life
of "separation and differences" on the "outside of you, you can never become
successful in your lifetime, no matter how many practices and duties you may perform
on the "outside" of you, that is, in your current state of living a life on the "outside" of
you as if you are "separate from" Me within you, as if your are "separate from" each
other on the "outside" of you, and as if you are "separate from" the Creation of God
within you, all of which is not true, for while your are in this state, the 5 elemental lives
within you currently rule over you, as the 9 openings of your elemental body, but they
can only do so, with My Permission, can only do so, until you "See Me and Steady
Me" within you, allowing Me within you, if you like, because the Choice is always truly
yours, not Mine, allowing Me to "Cure Myself of you", of "you" as "separate from" Me
within you."

"Allowing Me within you, and you joined in partnership with Me within Me, to "Cure
Myself of you", of "you" as "separate from Me within you, by closing down the world of
hell, of jinns, and of fairies within you, which is everything that you have currently grown within you, in your ignorance, below your neck, then re-opening the world of souls within you, in this way, giving your a new body, a light body, returning your heart to the state of Adam (peace be upon Him) having recovered from His fall from grace, but this time with an understanding of His fall, so He will never fall again, in this way,
establishing your heart as the "Palace of the soul" within you, as the "House of
Wisdom" within you, as the house of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani
(may God be pleased with Him) within you."

"And finally, opening My Kingdom within you, and in this way, giving you a new head, a head where the purified and perfected heart within you rises, and the 'arsh, which is My Throne on the top of your heart, descends, meeting on the forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within you, opening the "Gnana Kam" or "Eye of Wisdom" within Us, which is "Our" 7th level of wisdom within Us, which is Divine Luminous Wisdom within Us, allowing "Us" to see everything within the 14 worlds within Us, allowing Muhammad (blessing and peace be upon Him) within Us to go on Mi'raj within Us, in this way, establishing True Prayer within Us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within Us. Amen."

"That is, re-opening the world of souls within you, which is Adam (peace be upon Him)
within you, which is Adam (peace be upon Him) having recovered from His fall from
grace within you, which is Adam (peace be upon Him) within you returned to the state
He was in before His fall from grace within you, but this time with an understanding of
His fall, so He will never fall again, with your heart becoming the "Palace of the soul"
within you, the "House of Wisdom" within you, with you becoming the house of Qutb
Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him) within you, but
this time with the "Eye of Wisdom" on the forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him)
within you permanently open within you, so satan can no longer approach Adam
(peace be upon Him) within you again, and spit on Him."

"And in this way, with Adam (peace be upon Him) within you becoming My First Heaven within you, with the Crown of the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within you, which in truth is Eve (peace be upon Him) within you having recovered within you from Her fall from grace within you (peace be upon Them). Amen."

"For what am I to do with you in the end, in the end of this earth world or dunya within you, and at the beginning of the next world within you, at the beginning of the hereafter or akhirah within you, but in the end give you what you want, and if you fail again this time, in your age, at the time of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you and of His Children on the "outside" of you, at the time of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of You) both within you and on the "outside" of you, like you failed before, both within you and on the "outside" of you, in previous ages, both within you and on the "outside" of you, then what am I to do in the end, but give you what you want, what you think in your ignorance that you want for eternity, and if you fail again in this age, then that must be hell within you, that must be an eternal life as "separate from" Me within you, for that is what you keep telling Me that you want for eternity, for in truth,

          "Hell is simply the realization that you have separated yourself from Me, from
          the truth of yourself, and from the truth of Me within you".

"Then in the end, what am I to do in the end, if you die in your current state, in your current state of living on the "outside" of you as if you are "separate from" Me, all of which is false, but give you this for eternity, but give you an eternal life as "separate from" Me within you."

"Please realize this without the slightest doubt. You are leaving Me no choice. Amen."

"In this way, if you fail at the end of this age, which is the end of the age of the "Justice of Conscience", at the end of this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and now of His Children (may God be pleased with each of You), both within you, and on the "outside" of you, like you failed before at the end of the previous three ages, both within you and on the "outside" of you, that is, at the age of Noah (peace be upon Him), which is the end of the age of the "Justice of God", at the age of David (peace be upon Him), which is the end of the age of the "Justice of Kings", and at the age of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), which is the end of the age of the "Justice of Man", then what am I to do, but give you hell, but give you an eternal life as "separate from" Me within you."

"Because if you also fail at the end of this age, like you did before, then in truth you do not want Me within you, you do not want to again become "One with" Me within you, before you die to the flesh, you are not willing to give up your life on the "outside" of you as "separate from" Me within you, you are not willing to save Me as I saved you, you are not willing to bring Me back to life within you, as I brought you back from the edge of death within Me, over and over again, you are not willing to again become "One with" Me within you, before your fate finally has its way with you, before you die to the flesh, and you must then be sent to an eternal hell within you for the hereafter, for akhirah."

"In this way, if you again fail at the end of this age, at the end of the age of the "Justice of Conscience", if you fail to truly take advantage of this "Last Chance" to get it right before you die to the flesh, then in truth you are not willing to again bring Me back to life within you, as you were before when "We" created you within Me, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave "Us" again, so "We" together as "One", both within you and within Me, can finish what I have stated within you, started within you a very, very long time ago, which is to tell the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and within Me within you, and in this way, to reveal God to God within you, and to reveal True Man to True Man within Me within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within you, and for the benefit of all of the Creation of True Man within Me within you. Amen."

"So what am I to do with you, if in the end of this age you fail again, but in the end let you have what you want, what your have said to Me that you want for eternity, over and over again, for the last 200 million years, what you have told Me that you want by your actions, by the way that you have lived your life, each time I have given it back to you, not just by what you have said to Me, but by your actions, because your words and your actions have never been the same, my dearest loving Sun".

"Such is the hypocrisy of your life, my dearest loving Sun, such is the truth of your life, the saying of one thing but the doing of another. So what am I to do with you, but in the end give you what your life has told Me, over and over again, by your actions, that you truly want from Me, which if you die in your current state is an eternal life as "separate from" Me within you."

"But you can still change all of this, you still have time, now that I have given you this "Last Chance", through the love and devotion to Me of your true Mother, which is your dear Shaikh (may God be pleased with Him), both within you and on the "outside" of you, which for your age is your dear Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and God within Him, and now on the "outside" of you, is His Children, is the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with each of You), which in truth is each of you, if you like, if you want it, that is, if the true intention for your life within you, for your soul life, is for you to let it again become "One with" Me within you, before you die to the flesh, but this time with an understanding of "Our" Oneness so it will never leave "Us" again, a state and an understanding that "We" will share for eternity."

"So please use this "Last Chance" wisely my dearest loving Sun, use this "Last Chance" to again become "One with" Me within you, before you die to the flesh, before you physically die to the "outside" of you, because if you die in your current state of "separation from" Me, then I will have no other choice but to give you what you want, even if it is eternal "separation from" Me within you, that is, for then I will have no other choice, but to give you what you want, for according to the "Justice of God" that I have placed within you,

          "Whatever you intend now on the "outside" of you is what you will then in the
          end receive from Me for eternity, and in this way, the Choice is truly yours,
          not Mine."

"And in this way, if you die in your current state, in your current state of "separation from" Me within you, I will have no other Choice, but to send you to hell within you, to send you to an eternal life as "separate from" Me within you, which in truth is hell within you, that is, if you die in your current state of living a life of "separation and differences", a life of sin, a life of "selfishness", with your dearest loving brothers and sisters, in the world that you currently see in your collective ignorance as existing on the "outside" of you."

"For if you die in that state, in your current state of "I and you", of "mine and yours", then what am I to do with you in the end, but give you that state for eternity. And the choice is truly yours, not Mine."

"Please, Please, Please reflect upon these beautiful words of grace, of wisdom, and of 'ilm or divine knowledge for your age, that you are now hearing from within the heart of this child, from within the heart of this dear child Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler), with whom "We" are well pleased. Amen."

"Please do this right now, My dearest loving Children of God for this age, while the fire of wisdom is still burning within you, while the rain of God's grace is still falling within you.

My dearest loving Children of the One Open Heart of God for your age, which is the heart of your dearest loving Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within you, and of God within Him, and now on the "outside" of you, the One Open Heart of God for your age of His Children (may God be pleased with each of You), that is, if you like, if your true intention for your soul life within you is correct, is praiseworthy, if you will willingly and freely give up "you" on the "outside" of you, so 'We" within you can live again, within you, as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, for eternity, but this time with an understanding of "Our Oneness", so it will never leave us again. Amen."

"In this way, my dearest loving Children for this age, please immediately step out in this direction within you, from the "outside" of you to the "inside" of you, and join in partnership with Me within you to do this "Heart's Work" within you, before you take your next breath, before you "say or do" anything on the "outside" of you, and I will do "Everything else", I will do everything else to make your life truly successful in your lifetime, for this is "My Promise", this is "My Guarantee" for your age, in order to bring you back home to Me, both in this world and in the next world or akhirah, to bring you back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and within Me within you, before you die to the flesh, back into the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, which in truth is God and True Man within you."

"Or at least truly join in partnership with Me within you, to again truly start up this "Divine Journey" within you, to again start up this "Diving Journey" of your soul returning to God within you, a journey that stopped within you, when you,

          "Came to this earth world, forget Me, and fell into many a trap, when you
          stopped knowing to seek yourself within yourself, although I exist within you."

"Please immediately join as "One with" Me within you, and in this way, stop all of your current "busy work" on the "outside" of you, which in truth is producing nothing of real value for your life, either now or later, but is only providing nourishment for the ego lives within you, for the lives of darkness and evil within you, that in your ignorance you have grown within you, as you lived on the "outside" of you in ignorance of Me and of your soul life within you, a life on the "outside" of you which currently only "separates you" from Me and from your soul life within you."

"For example, stop all of your acting on the "outside" of you as if you are "separate from" Me within you, which in truth is not true, because in truth I am closer to you than your own breath, and stop all of your "working for wages" to get into some illusory heaven on the next "outside" of you, after you die to the current "outside" of you, all of which is also not true, and instead, join in partnership with Me within you to start acting again as if you are "One with" Me within you, which is most certainly true within you, in order to allow Us to start up again this "Heart's Work" within you, the only work or duty that will return your soul to Me within you, before you die to the flesh, that is, if you like, for the Choice is most certainly yours, not Mine."

"That is, if this be the true intention for the life within you, for the light life that I have placed within you, before you die to the flesh, for the 6th life that I have personally and every so lovingly placed within each of you, even before you were born, even before you came to this earth world, to this "School of Contrast" within you, and for the 6th level of wisdom within you, the wisdom of the Qutbiyyat of God within you, that teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within you, that I have also placed around it, around your soul life, the wisdom within you that can truly liberate your soul life within you from your current life on the "outside" of you, if you like, that can truly, if you like,

          "Make your soul pure in this impure birth and make it shine".

"That is, if the true intention within you is for your soul life to again become "One with" Me within you, before you die to the flesh."

"For the soul life within you, that each of you received from Me within you, that you received from Me, a very, very long time ago, that I have personally and every so lovingly given to each of you, in addition to the 5 elemental lives within you, which in your ignorance have joined together within you as a co-operative store within you, as a store set up for profit within you, all the while keeping your 6th life within you, your soul life within you, which is your original pure birth and life within you, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, crucified on the cross of your impure birth and life within you, which is your current life on the "outside" of you, so you can sin, so you can continue to live a life of sin on the "outside" of you, at least until you die to the flesh."

"In this way, my dearest loving Sun, you in your ignorance have become "one with" the 5 elemental lives within you, "one with" the co-operative store within you, that in your ignorance has been set up for profit within you, to profit the lives of darkness and evil within you, not to profit Me within you, or to profit My soul within you, which is the Light of Man within Me within you, or to profit anything within Me within you, including the 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within Me within you, and in this way, with "you" in your ignorance becoming "one with" the "Enemy of your soul" within you rather than "you" becoming "One with" Me within you, and "One with" everything within Me within you, that is, "One with" all of "My Stuff" within Me within you, including "One with" your 6th life within Me within you, and "One with" your 6th level of wisdom within Me within you, and "One with" your 124,000 Heavenly Beings, Prophets, and Lights of God within Me within you."

"Instead of "you" becoming "one with" the "Enemy of your soul" within you, all of which is what I have discarded from within Me, a very, very long time ago, in order to become God within you, and which I will do again, but this time within you, if your "intention is praiseworthy", that is, if the true intention for the life within you, for your soul life, is for it to again become "One with" Me within you, before you die to the flesh."

"In this way, and only in this way, that is, when I do it, removing the "Enemy of your soul" from within you, by removing it from within Me, when you have truly taken Me within you, when you have truly "Seen Me and Steadied Me" within you, allowing Me to then "Cure Myself of you", of "you" as "separate from" Me, of "you" living on the "outside" of you, as if you are "separate from" Me within you, all of which is not true."

"In this way, with Me removing the "Enemy of your soul" from within Me, an "Enemy" within you which in your ignorance is now only being experienced by you as your current life, as your current life on the "outside" of you, as your current life of sin, of "selfishness", of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of you", but which in truth is within you, as the lives of darkness and evil within us, which are only leading you to hell within you, which you will only truly experience as the "suffering of the grave", and as Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) after you die to the flesh, and in this way, are only leading you to an eternal life as "separate from" Me within you."

"All the while with these elemental forces within you keeping your original pure birth and life within you, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within you, crucified on the elemental body within you with the 5 nails within you, with the 5 nails of "your desire" to live on the "outside" of you and sin, these elemental forces within you of arrogance, karma, and illusion, of mind and desire within you, of desire for earth, women, and gold within you, of "body, trick, and danger" within you, these,

          "Evil actions of kalam (or time) within you leading you to Kalan, to the Angel of
          Death (peace be upon Him) within you".

"That is, in truth in your ignorance your life has become a co-operative store of the 5 elemental lives within you, that in your ignorance is nourishing all of the lives of darkness and evil within you, as you live on the "outside" of you and sin, that in your ignorance you have become "one with".

"And which in your ignorance you are now letting "define you", letting the elemental forces and energies within you falsely define you as the "outside" of you, rather than letting the grace, wisdom, and ilm or divine knowledge of God within you, and all of the other "Stuff of God' within God within you, truly and correctly "define you", that is, truly and correctly define you, as "Me happening" within you, as "Me happening" within the Creation of God within you, and as "True Man happening" within "Me happening" within the Creation of God within you, as the apple seed is really the "apple fruit happening" within the "apple tree happening" within the apple seed buried within the earth".

"That is, if the apple seed germinates, germinates to the "truth of itself", and to the "truth of what I hid within it", in this way, letting the "Truth surrender to the Truth" within it, that is, if the apple seed realizes, understands, accepts and joins as "one with" the truth of itself, and the truth of what is hidden within it, which naturally emerges from within it, when it is both ready to hear it, and ready to either accept it or reject it, for like all people, not all apple seeds germinate to the truth of themselves, some rot in the earth, die in the earth and become subject to 105 million rebirths, but never again as the apple seed buried within the earth, never again as the story of the "oneness of the apple tree and its fruits", a story that the apple seed came from the apple tree and the apple, to join with the earth, to tell, if it likes, because like you, the choice is theirs, is each apple seeds, to germinate or not, not Mine.. Amen."

"And as such, you, as the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, the Story that I sent you to this earth world, to this dunya, to this "School of Contrast", to tell, to join as "One with" this earth world within you, which in truth is the Creation of God within you, to tell, to tell the Story of the "Oneness of Me and True Man" within Me. Amen."

"This is truly "who you are", and is truly "where you are", and is truly "what is happening" in your life, and it is all naturally going on within you, as your true heritage, as your true birthright, as the true destiny of your soul, if you like, if you will only let it, if you will only join as "One with" Me to tell it, and this is the truth of you, and of Me within you, not anything else that you may be seeing in your ignorance on the "outside" of you."

"That is, if you like, for then "I will do everything else" necessary for your life to truly become successful in your lifetime, and if you do just this much, if you do join in partnership with Me within you, before you die to the flesh, to let this amazing Story be told within you, to let both God and True man to "happen again", but this time within you, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and of True Men within you, to let this Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" be told within you, then when this Story has been told within you, when this Story is complete within you, then "You will be within it", as My Witness, as the Witness of the telling of the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you."

"My dearest loving Sun, this is the "truth of you", and the "truth of Me" within you, not what you are currently experiencing in your ignorance on the "outside" of you, not what in your ignorance you are now currently experiencing as "you", and your dearest loving brothers and sisters, and the "outside" of you, not what you are now letting falsely define you, falsely define you as the "outside" of you, falsely define for you "who you are", and "where you are", and "what is happening" in your life, on the "outside" of you, all of which is not true. Something to think about, Yes?"

"Please know this now my dearest loving Sun and start to act accordingly, before it is too late, before you die in your current state on the "outside" of you, and in this way, force Me to sent you to hell for eternity."

"Please think about this a little, my dearest loving Sun, before you force Me to give you an eternal life as "separate from" Me within you, because in your ignorance this is what you now believe you really want for eternity, because in your ignorance you have failed to return to your source, which is Me within you, you have failed to join in partnership with Me within you, you have failed to transcend your current state of ignorance."

"That is, in your ignorance you have failed to join in partnership with Me within you to transcend the illusory "outside" of you, and in the process to destroy the real but false "inside" of you, and in this way, to reveal the real and true "inside" of you, and within that to reveal True Prayer within you, which is the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is", and within that to reveal the "Oneness of God and True Man" within you, and within that to "separate from" God everything that is "separating God" from God within you. Amen."

"Even though I am within you, even though I have repeatedly given you the chance to do this with Me, as "One with" Me within you, given you the chance to do this over and over again, for the last 200 million years, ever since Adam and Eve (peace be upon Them) came down to this earth world within you, to seek their redemption, and yours. Amen."

"Even though I have died for you, within you, so you could truly live within Me, within you, even though I have allowed the soul, the 6th life within you, to be crucified within you, so you could live a temporary life of sin within you, on the "outside" of you, so through this "School of Contrast" within you, you could come to understand who your "Already are", so you could come to understand what is separating you from Me within you".

"And if you like, through this understanding, for you to join with Me to remove it, that is, to remove what is "separation you" from you, from the true "you" within Me, for what is currently within you is "separating you" from the true you, which are all the real but false lives of darkness and evil, that grew within you in your ignorance, like weeds in God's Flower Garden, is "separating you" from the true you within Me within you, is "separating you" from what is currently within Me within you."

"And to remove what is "separation you" from Me within you, and Me from you within Me, which is the dunya, which is this earth world, this "First of God's Schools", this "School of Contrast, which if We remove will reveal True Prayer within Us, which is the true union of Me and you within Us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within Us", in this way, removing all duality between Us."

"And to remove what is "separating God" from God within True Man within God within Us, which is everything that is left behind when it is all over, that is, when the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" has been told within Us, and has come to completion within Us, and what is left over, that is, what has not again become "One with" Me within Us, that is still "separate from" Me within Us, is what is "separating Me from Me" within Us, which can only be removed from within Me, when everything comes back to Me, that has come from Me, which is everything, for in truth, "There is nothing other than Me", and such is the final resolution of "separation from" that you must bring about, within Me, my True Sun, if "No Child is to be left behind". Amen."

"And in this way, allowing Me to then "Cure Myself of you", of "you" living on the "outside" of you as if you are "separate from" Me within you, all of which is false, doing this before you die to the flesh, by closing down the world of hell, of jinns, and of fairies within you, by re-opening the world of souls within you, and then by opening the Kingdom of God within you, all of which I will do within you, if you like, or at least truly start within you, in partnership with you within Me, before you die to the flesh, if you like, so I can then finish it all after you die to the flesh."

"That is, all of this I will do for you, My dearest loving Sun, for as long as you are still alive on the "outside" of you, if you like, for before you die to the flesh, the Choice to do this or not, is yours, not Mine, and if you properly ask, that is, as if you are "One with" Me, and if you intention is correct, that is, for your soul life to again become "One with" Me within you, before you die to the flesh, then this is most certainly what We will do. Amen."

"In this way, My dearest loving Sun, please Choose Me within you, over "you" on the "outside" of you, before it is too late, and your life will truly become successful in your lifetime. This is "My Promise" for your age. This is "My Guarantee", for your age. Please know this now without the slightest doubt, and start to act accordingly, and "We will do Everything Else". Amen."

--- End of "Message From God Within Us All" ----

May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all. Amen.  My love you (anbu), my dearest loving brothers Tom and Aron - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

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"E-mail Alert" for
- Spiritual Letter 72 -

This page was last updated on: October 30, 2005